About Mills in Mexico

Gender, Sexuality and Social Justice in Mexico is a two-week study abroad experience for students at Mills College in Oakland, California.  The students in the course had the opportunity to learn about feminist and LGBTQ social movements in Mexico through an immersive Spanish language learning program at Centro Tlahuica de Lenguas e Intercambio Cultural (CETLALIC) in Cuernavaca. While in Mexico, students took intensive, individualized Spanish classes with a social justice focus. They also met with academics, activists, and community members involved in feminist and LGBTQ social movements and visited significant cultural and historical sites in the region.  Throughout the trip, students were encouraged to reflect on the possibilities and challenges of building transnational solidarities and the role language learning might play in social justice movements.

This website showcases student research projects that were inspired by their experience in Mexico.  Throughout the trip students grappled with the specific cultural, political, economic, and social context that shapes the experiences of women and LGBTQ communities in Mexico.  Upon returning, they continued to explore these issues through research and reflection.



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